The August workday was tough!! Our plan was to revisit the sterling work done the two months before clearing the gun emplacements and cover them with weed control fabric and then gravel.
This required large amounts af gravel (and people) to manage the logisitics of moving 100 x 25kg bags from the van down into the ditch, up into the fort through the original entrance, up the stairs from the Officers Quarters, wheelbarrowed around the terreplain and then put into position over the cleared emplacements. We had optimistically procured 100 bags, thats 2.5 tonnes, thinking it would be moe than enough but sadly not!
Over the course of a little over four hours we dropped, raised, carried and laid all of the gravel only to find out it wasn’t quite enough! This means that we may have to revisit this next year and ‘top up’ as we will run out o workdays inside the fort this year.
To date we have moved 177 bags in, that equates to 4.4 tonnes, all by hand.
In August alone 36 volunteers contributed a combined 170 hours worth of work . Outstanding commitment and effort from all, well done.